My first introduction to Leonbergers was in 1993 when my friend, Gail Bishop, imported her first Leonberger female from Germany from the kennel of Prince Nicholas Ratibor.
I fell in love with the breed from that moment on. At the time, I was breeding German Shepherd Dogs, but always knew that I would eventually have a Leonberger. When I lost my last German Shepherd in 1999, I was already on the list for a puppy from my friend Gail. It was not until July 8, 2001 that the litter was born and I finally got my Leonberger, a boy, Orovale's Cool Hand Luke. Luka was with me for 9 years and I was amazed at how intelligent and versatile the breed was.
We did everything together, showing, carting, tracking. Luka was the youngest and only the second Leonberger in Canada to earn his Canadian Kennel Club Tracking Dog Title at 15 months of age. We showed in the US Leonberger Club of America Regional Specialty Shows where he won Best Youth Male twice and also was 2nd Novice Male at the Leonberger Club of America National Specialty in Ohio in 2004. He loved carting and was the first Leo in Canada to be certified for Herding Instinct in 2008. Luka was also the first Leonberger to gain the Versatility Companion title from the Leonberger Club of Ontario.
Luka's sister Orovale's Chardonnay (Jade) was lst Novice Bitch at the Leonberger Club of America National Specialty in 2004 and became a Canadian Champion in 2006. She was bred to Can. Ch. Barrsaint Excalibur and produced, in her first litter, Orovale's Dharma, who was the first Leonberger to win Working Puppy Group at an all breed show. From her second litter came Orovale's Endless Rhapsody (Echo) and Orovale's Eberheart (Kodi).
Echo received her first US major in 2011 at the Leonberger Club of America AKC Specialty going Winners Bitch plus her second Award of Merit. Her first Award of Merit was at the Leonberger Club of America National in 2009 at just 12 months after winning the 12 - 18 month old Bitch Class. Echo also completed the requirements for her Canadian Championship in 2011 and received her Herding Instinct Test Certificate.
2012 was an amazing year with Echo taking a Best In Show on April 1. The first Leonberger in the history of the breed in Canada to be awarded this honour. But, it did not end there. In may of 2013 Echo took 2 majors, her second at a Regional Specialty Show in the US to finish her American Championship. The first Leonberger bitch to become a Dual Champion.
And so it began. Echo came to live with me in the winter of 2011. A perfect house companion who loved everyone she met.
Sadly, on October 21, 2017, Echo left us very suddenly and is reunited with her breeder Gail. You can read more about Echo in the
"In Loving Memory" section of this site.
I fell in love with the breed from that moment on. At the time, I was breeding German Shepherd Dogs, but always knew that I would eventually have a Leonberger. When I lost my last German Shepherd in 1999, I was already on the list for a puppy from my friend Gail. It was not until July 8, 2001 that the litter was born and I finally got my Leonberger, a boy, Orovale's Cool Hand Luke. Luka was with me for 9 years and I was amazed at how intelligent and versatile the breed was.
We did everything together, showing, carting, tracking. Luka was the youngest and only the second Leonberger in Canada to earn his Canadian Kennel Club Tracking Dog Title at 15 months of age. We showed in the US Leonberger Club of America Regional Specialty Shows where he won Best Youth Male twice and also was 2nd Novice Male at the Leonberger Club of America National Specialty in Ohio in 2004. He loved carting and was the first Leo in Canada to be certified for Herding Instinct in 2008. Luka was also the first Leonberger to gain the Versatility Companion title from the Leonberger Club of Ontario.
Luka's sister Orovale's Chardonnay (Jade) was lst Novice Bitch at the Leonberger Club of America National Specialty in 2004 and became a Canadian Champion in 2006. She was bred to Can. Ch. Barrsaint Excalibur and produced, in her first litter, Orovale's Dharma, who was the first Leonberger to win Working Puppy Group at an all breed show. From her second litter came Orovale's Endless Rhapsody (Echo) and Orovale's Eberheart (Kodi).
Echo received her first US major in 2011 at the Leonberger Club of America AKC Specialty going Winners Bitch plus her second Award of Merit. Her first Award of Merit was at the Leonberger Club of America National in 2009 at just 12 months after winning the 12 - 18 month old Bitch Class. Echo also completed the requirements for her Canadian Championship in 2011 and received her Herding Instinct Test Certificate.
2012 was an amazing year with Echo taking a Best In Show on April 1. The first Leonberger in the history of the breed in Canada to be awarded this honour. But, it did not end there. In may of 2013 Echo took 2 majors, her second at a Regional Specialty Show in the US to finish her American Championship. The first Leonberger bitch to become a Dual Champion.
And so it began. Echo came to live with me in the winter of 2011. A perfect house companion who loved everyone she met.
Sadly, on October 21, 2017, Echo left us very suddenly and is reunited with her breeder Gail. You can read more about Echo in the
"In Loving Memory" section of this site.

SCARLET joined my breeding program in 2016 -
Sel. Can.Ch. Quen Star Sagitta Dolce Vittoria, HIC, CGN,VE
My Polish Princess who was imported to
Canada on December 12, 2013
DOB - October 4, 2013
SIRE: Cool Indigo Jr. Ginger Heaven
DAM: Ml. Ch. Pl. Ch. Pl. Sagitta Alfa Leonis
Breeder: Izabella Dopierala, Quen Star Sagitta, Poland
All of my Leonbergers have basic puppy obedience plus extensive socialization.
We show in conformation and proceed to whatever dog sport is most suited to the individual dog.
We show in conformation and proceed to whatever dog sport is most suited to the individual dog.